The European Union are making changes to their advance manifesting process “Import Control System” with their latest release of ICS2 aimed at the maritime industry. These changes will be relevant to all parties including shippers, freight forwarders, NVOCC’s and consignees and will require action from any party providing shipping instructions to the carrier.
Please note revised BAF from 01st January 2024
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 460 / teu
GBP 400 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 315 / teu
GBP 275 / teu
Please note revised BAF from 7th December 2023
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 480 / teu
GBP 415 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 325 / teu
GBP 285 / teu
Dear customer,
Due to the serious situation currently in Israel, we hereby inform you that War Risk will increase from 5 % to 15 % with immediate effect!
We hope for your understanding.
Many thanks.
Dear customer,
Due to the serious situation currently in Israel, we hereby inform you that War Risk will increase from 5 % to 15 % with immediate effect!
We hope for your understanding.
Many thanks.
Please note revised BAF from 1st October 2023
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 430 / teu
GBP 370 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 290 / teu
GBP 255 / teu
Stærk italiensk forbindelse runder 25 år
Det begyndte med europæiske ruter fra Esbjerg; i dag er Esbjerg gateway til samhandel på seks kontinenter. 25 år med Grimaldi Lines har udviklet både havn og by.
”Det begyndte med den europæiske kystlinje, og herefter er det gået slag i slag med først Vestafrika og Sydamerika, sidenhen også Nordamerika,” siger Henrik Otto Jensen, direktør og indehaver af Niels Winther & Co.
Direkte Break-Bulk og RO/RO sejlruter fra Danmark til Australien, New Zealand, Kina og Syd Korea
Der er 2-3 afgange om måneden fra Esbjerg til Kina, 1 månedlig afgang til Syd Korea og 1 månedlig afgang til Australien og New Zealand.
”Godsenheder fragtes på samme mafi trailer direkte fra Esbjerg Havn og til slutdestinationen i Australien, New Zealand, Kina eller Syd Korea.” Siger Henning Fries, Sales Manager, Niels Winther Liner Agencies.
Please note there will be no change for Southbound Container BAFs from 01stApril 2023 ;
Southbound Containers BAF
Southbound container BAF levels to be applied from the 1st April 2023.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 395 / teu
GBP 345 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 265 / teu
GBP 245 / teu
Southbound Containers BAF
Revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from the 1st February 2023.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 395 / teu
GBP 345 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 265 / teu
GBP 245 / teu
Southbound Containers BAF
Revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from the 1st January 2023.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 430 / teu
GBP 375 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 290 / teu
GBP 255 / teu
The Grimaldi Group has proven once again that it is a veritable pioneer of environmental sustainability.
The Neapolitan ship owning company has worked for years to tackle the problem of the growing quantity of microplastics in the world’s oceans.
The groundbreaking filtration system designed and patented by the Neapolitan group is finally ready for commercialization, and the Finnish company will be the first to bring it to the market.
Please note revised BAF from 1st October 2023
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 430 / teu
GBP 370 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 290 / teu
GBP 255 / teu
Stærk italiensk forbindelse runder 25 år
Det begyndte med europæiske ruter fra Esbjerg; i dag er Esbjerg gateway til samhandel på seks kontinenter. 25 år med Grimaldi Lines har udviklet både havn og by.
”Det begyndte med den europæiske kystlinje, og herefter er det gået slag i slag med først Vestafrika og Sydamerika, sidenhen også Nordamerika,” siger Henrik Otto Jensen, direktør og indehaver af Niels Winther & Co.
Direkte Break-Bulk og RO/RO sejlruter fra Danmark til Australien, New Zealand, Kina og Syd Korea
Der er 2-3 afgange om måneden fra Esbjerg til Kina, 1 månedlig afgang til Syd Korea og 1 månedlig afgang til Australien og New Zealand.
”Godsenheder fragtes på samme mafi trailer direkte fra Esbjerg Havn og til slutdestinationen i Australien, New Zealand, Kina eller Syd Korea.” Siger Henning Fries, Sales Manager, Niels Winther Liner Agencies.
Please note there will be no change for Southbound Container BAFs from 01stApril 2023 ;
Southbound Containers BAF
Southbound container BAF levels to be applied from the 1st April 2023.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 395 / teu
GBP 345 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 265 / teu
GBP 245 / teu
Southbound Containers BAF
Revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from the 1st February 2023.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 395 / teu
GBP 345 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 265 / teu
GBP 245 / teu
Southbound Containers BAF
Revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from the 1st January 2023.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 430 / teu
GBP 375 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 290 / teu
GBP 255 / teu
Revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from the 1st December, 2022.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 485 / teu
GBP 420 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 325 / teu
GBP 285 / teu
Updates for Southbound Container BAFs and the Seasonal Adjustment valid from 17thOctober 2022
Southbound Containers BAF
Revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from the 17th October 2022.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 505 / teu
GBP 440 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 340 / teu
GBP 300 / teu
Seasonal Adjustment
From North Europe and Casablanca to West Africa, the Seasonal Adjustment will be removed from the 17th October.
From North Europe to Casablanca the Seasonal Adjustment will be reduced to Euros 25 / teu and GBP 20 / teu.
IMPORTANT: CAF introduction on EUROMED to NAFTA trades and vv. – 1st September 2022
Recent months strong depreciation of Euro versus US Dollar leads us to introduce a Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) as from 01.09.2022 loading date.
The adjustment will be applied to all existing basic freight agreements from all EUROMED ports as follows:
TO US (Baltimore, New York, Davisville, Jacksonville & Houston) and MEXICO (Veracruz & Altamira) & vv:
Other surcharges as ESS/EFS, BAF, ect remain in force as per previous communications. The CAF will be applicable to all cargo.
We very much appreciate your understanding and continued support.
Congestion Surcharge – Containers to Nouakchott from 20th June 2022
Please be advised that due to severe ongoing congestion at the port of Nouakchott, we are obliged to introduce a congestion surcharge as per below:
UK / NEU to Nouakchott – Congestion Surcharge (Containers)
Euros 150 / teu
GBP 130 / teu
Effective 20th June 2022 ( Bill of Lading date )
Updated BAF – Grimaldi DeepSea Container Services – Valid from 1st May 2022
Please find summary of revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from 1st May 2022.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 525 / teu
GBP 450 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 360 / teu
GBP 310 / teu
Due to the continuous increase in the bunker price we are, unfortunately, forced to introduce a new BAF of 12%, to be applied from BL date 18th of April 2022.
BAF is to be applied to all container shipments to/from all EuroMed destinations, except Israel.
Meanwhile from / to Israel BAF has to be considered as follows :
USD 80 per TEU – North-bound leg
USD 160 per TEU – South-bound leg
BAF will be applicable to all traffics and all clients.
All other surcharges are to remain in force, as per previous communications.
We very much appreciate your understanding and continued support.
NEUR-WAF RORO / New Emergency EBAF
Following the significant rise in bunker cost due to recent world events we are unfortunate, forced to introduce an Emergency Bunker Adjustment Factor (EBAF) in addition to our existing BAF.
The following will be applicable for deliveries of all roro from 28/3/22.
The EBAF will be reviewed monthly and adjusted accordingly.
Casa /Nouakchott /Dakar /Banjul /Conakry /Freetown /Monrovia /Abijan /Takoradi /Tema /Lome /Cotonou /Lagos
Cars 50 Euro or 42 GBP per unit
Small Vans 50 Euro or 42 GBP per unit
Big Vans 100 Euro or 84 GBP per unit
LM measured roro 50 Euro or 42 GBP per LM
Douala/Bata/Malabo/Libreville/Pointe Noire/Luanda
Cars 70 Euro or 60 GBP per unit
Small Vans 70 Euro or 60 GBP per unit
Big Vans 140 Euro or 120 GBP per unit
LM measured roro 70 Euro or 60 GBP per LM
We thank you for your kind understanding and appreciate your continued support.
The Grimaldi Group has proven once again that it is a veritable pioneer of environmental sustainability.
The Neapolitan ship owning company has worked for years to tackle the problem of the growing quantity of microplastics in the world’s oceans.
The groundbreaking filtration system designed and patented by the Neapolitan group is finally ready for commercialization, and the Finnish company will be the first to bring it to the market.
New Congestion Surcharge on the EuroMed Container Service (except Israel) – Southbound and Northbound
Starting from the 7th of March 2022 Grimaldi Lines introduces a congestion surcharge for all destinations on EuroMed Container Service – except to/fm Israel.
This surcharge will correspond to the following amounts:
Trade North Europe to the Med Euro 175 x Teu
Northbound Euro 40 x Teu
GRI on the EuroMed Container Service to and from Israel
Starting from the 7th of March 2022 Grimaldi Lines introduces a GRI on EuroMed Container Service to/fm Israel.
Such increase quantified as follows :
Southbound Trade (Ex North Europe) Plus USD 200 x teu
Northbound Trade USD 50 x teu
We thank you for your kind understanding and continued support.
Please find summary of revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from 1st March 2022.
BAF from all of Europe to West Africa and South America and from Casablanca to West Africa (floating)
Euros 395 / teu
GBP 345 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casablanca (floating)
Euros 270 / teu
GBP 240 / teu
Global roro charter costs are reaching record levels due to unprecedented demand, while fuel costs continue to increase and covid and operational expenditures remain significant, an increase in freight levels is required to enable Grimaldi to sustain the high levels of service, frequency and capacity that is currently deployed.
Therefore, please be advised of the following rate increase to be applied to all agreed rates and general tariff, effective deliveries from 21/2/22
Cars €50 / 42 GBP per unit
Small vans €50 / 42 GBP per unit
Big vans € 100 / 84 GBP per unit
LM € 50 / 42 GBP per LM
We very much appreciate your kind understanding and continued support.
On behalf of our principal Grimaldi Lines, please be advised of a GRI for all Roro units from NWC & Scandinavia to West Africa as per below.
The following rate increase will be applied to all agreed rates and general tariff, effective from 6th of December 2021:
Cars €40 per unit
Small vans €50 per unit
Big vans € 100 per unit
LM € 40 per LM
We very much appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Due to the continued increase of the cost for the management of container equipment, our principal Grimaldi Lines will from the 1st of December 2021 BL Date, introduce an Equipment Repo Surcharge of Euro 200 /teu from North Europe & Scandinavia to all EuroMed destinations with exception of Salerno port for which a surcharge of Euro 150/teu will be implemented.
For all reefer bizs on EuroMed Service, our principal Grimaldi Lines will introduce a Equipment Reefer Repo Surcharge of Euro 500 /teu. This Surcharge must be considered starting from the 1st of December 2021 BL Date.
Above surcharges to be considered in addition to all current rates and surcharges.
We very much appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
The battle against Covid-19 continues to impact negatively on the container balance on Grimaldi Lines Deep Sea Services (West Africa and South America).
Due to this continued im-balance, the Line find it necessary to revise Container im-balance fee from Esbjerg and Wallhamn as follows:
EUR 350/20’ container
EUR 450/40’ container
Valid from 1st December 2021 on all Deep Sea container bookings, from the ports of Esbjerg and Wallhamn.
Bookings on the Grimaldi Lines EuroMed Service and bookings on Grimaldi Lines Deep Sea Services from NWC Ports, are not affected by this fee.
Please find summary of revised southbound container BAF levels to be applied from Monday 29th November 2021.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 365 / teu
GBP 320 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 250 / teu
GBP 220 / teu
Please be advised of a revised Seasonal Adjustment factor EXCL. ESBJERG & WALLHAMN as follows:
Seasonal Adjustment – effective 11 October 2021
North Europe / Portugal / Ireland / Bilbao / UK to WAF
Euros 45 / teu
GBP 40 / teu
North Europe / Portugal / Ireland / Bilbao / UK to CASA
Euros 45 / teu
GBP 40 / teu
Considering the challenges on the present container market we are obliged to update the amount of equipment repo surcharges as follows:
Starting from BL date: 1st of October 2021 – to be applied to all container bookings
– POD Piraeus – Eur 50/teu
– POD Alexandria – Eur 125/20’ Eur 225/40’
– POL Alexandria – Eur 100/teu
– Ashdod – Usd 200/20’ Usd 350/40’ (Collect in Ashdod)
– POD Salerno – Eur 50 /teu
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to our continued good cooperation.
Please be advised that with effect 1st September 2021, due to continuing high demand requiring exceptional effort and costs to position equipment, the Line will increase the Seasonal Adjustment for all 20’ and 40’ equipment from all of North Europe, Portugal, Ireland, UK and Casablanca (except Wallhman and Esbjerg) as below ;
North Europe / Portugal / Ireland / Bilbao / UK to WAF
Euros 140 / teu
GBP 125/ teu
North Europe / Portugal / Ireland / Bilbao / UK to CASA
Euros 90 / teu
GBP 80/ teu
Euros 90 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 345 / teu
GBP 300 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 235 / teu
GBP 205 / teu
A few weeks after its launch, the Grimaldi Group enriches its ro-ro feeder service between Belgium and Ireland with a new call in Zeebrugge. As from next Saturday 24 July, thanks to its new schedule, the service will offer two departures a week from the port of Zeebrugge and one from that of Antwerp with destination Cork and vice versa.
Due to increased costs at Freetown please find summary of Port Additional Charges to be applied to both imports and exports, from all ports of loading and across all cargo types with effect from 1st August 2021 (Bill of Lading date).
Freetown Port Additional Charges : All Ports of Loading : Import and Export : Containers / Roro / Breakbulk
Containers (all types)
Euros 100 / teu
GBP 90 / teu
USD 120 / teu
Roro (new and used)
Euros 80 / truck
Euros 40 / cv and bv
GBP 70 / truck
GBP 35 / cv and bv
USD 100 / truck
USD 50 / cv and bv
Euros 1.5 / cbm
GBP 1.3 / cbm
USD 1.8 / cbm
Date of Application : 1st August 2021 (Bill of Lading date)
The christening ceremony of the Eco Catania – the new ro-ro vessel delivered to the Grimaldi Group in early June – ended just a little while ago at the port of Catania. This is the fifth of 12 hybrid ships belonging to the innovative GG5G (Grimaldi Green 5th Generation) class and ordered by the company from the Chinese Jinling shipyard located in Nanjing.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 325 / teu
GBP 280 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 220 / teu
GBP 190 / teu
The Grande California is the last of the seven PCTC (Pure Car & Truck Carrier) vessels ordered from the Chinese Yangfan shipyard in Zhoushan. She is a state-of-the-art ship with respect to environmental sustainability.
The Eco Catania, the fifth of the twelve hybrid ro-ro ships belonging to the innovative Grimaldi Green 5th Generation (GG5G) will soon sail in the Mediterranean.
The latest generation of GG5G-class (Grimaldi Green 5th Generation) ro-ro vessels built for the Grimaldi Group has seven times better CO2 emission intensity performances than previous generation ships.
Due to continued additional and continuing high demand requiring exceptional effort and costs to position equipment, the Line will revise the Seasonal Adjustment for all 20’ and 40’ equipment from all of North Europe, Portugal, Ireland, Bilbao and UK (except Wallhman and Esbjerg) to all West Africa ports of discharge. An empty pick up fee of € 200 / unit will continue to apply in Wallhamn and Esbjerg.
Euros 95 / teu
GBP 85 / teu
Grimaldi launches NEW service from Antwerp to Cork. Weekly connection from Esbjerg via Antwerp to Cork.
BAF from all of Europe to WAF and SAM and from Casa to WAF (floating)
Euros 305 / teu
GBP 265 / teu
BAF from all of Europe to Casa (floating)
Euros 205 / teu
GBP 185 / teu
Dear Customer,
On behalf of Grimaldi Lines please be advised that effective Roro and container import/export shipments made as from 1st April 2021 loading date, the Environmental Sustainability Surcharge (ESS/EFS) will be increase to 12% (i.o. of 10%).
Eco Livorno is the third of twelve hybrid vessels of the innovative Grimaldi Green 5th Generation (GG5G) class, delivered by the Chinese shipyard Jinling.
She is the largest and most eco-friendly short-sea ro-ro vessel in the world.
Eco Livorno flies the Italian flag and will join her sister vessels, Eco Valencia and Eco Barcelona on the regular ro-ro service that connects the ports of Livorno, Savona, Barcelona, and Valencia.
Grande Texas is a PCTC vessel and is the sixth of a series of seven car carrier units commissioned from the Chinese shipyard Yangfan.
Starting from next March, the Grande Texas will enhance the weekly ro-ro connection operated by the Grimaldi Group between the Mediterranean and North America – joining the other 8 ships already operating on the service.
Grande Texas flies the Italian flag and will call regularly at 15 ports in Italy.
To All customers, Please be advised that with effect 1st February 2021, due to additional and continuing high demand for containers, the Line will introduce a Seasonal Adjustment for all 20’ and 40’ equipment from all of North Europe, Portugal, Ireland, UK and Casablanca (except Bilbao, Wallhman and Esbjerg) to all West Africa ports of discharge.
North Europe / Portugal / Ireland / UK to WAF
Casa to WAF
Euros 45 / teu
GBP 40 / teu
Great news for The Grimaldi Group: Eco Barcelona delivered, two more vessels on the way
So far 2020 has been a difficult year. The battle against Covid-19 has proven to be a longer affair and for some time now, it has been impacting negatively on the container balance on Grimaldi Lines Deep Sea Services (West Africa and South America).
Due to this im-balance the Line find it necessary to introduce a temporary Container im-balance fee of EUR 200/container, valid from 1st December 2020 on all Deep Sea container bookings, from the ports of Esbjerg and Wallhamn.
Bookings on the Grimaldi Lines EuroMed Service and bookings on Grimaldi Lines Deep Sea Services from NWC Ports, are not affected by this fee UQ.
The Grimaldi Group has recently published its 2019 Sustainability Report, describing its economic, social and environmental performance and emphasizing the process of reporting and transparent management of sustainability issues which started in 2015.
Grimaldi LLoyd’s List Europe Awards 2019
Grimaldi Lloyd’s List Europa Awards 2019
Grimaldi Group won “Excellence in Decarbonisation towards 2050” at the Lloyd’s List Europe Awards presented on the 10 December at the Hilton Hotel, Park Lane, London.
The event, organized by the renowned international publication Lloyd’s List, was hosted by English actor Hugh Dennis.
Managing Director Emanuele Grimaldi
Managing Director Emanuele Grimaldi and Cristina Chiabotto cutting the ribbon
The Grande Torino employed for ro-ro service
Managing Director Emanuele Grimaldi of the Grimaldi Group
New Flagship of the Grimaldi Group baptized
The ceremony took place on the fiftieth anniversary from the start of the commercial relations between the Neapolitan Group and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
The Grande Torino is this the first unit of a series of seven sister vessels ordered by the Neapolitan for ro-ro service. She is with her four hoistable decks, an extremely flexible vessel, able to load any type of rolling freight up to 5.3 meters high.
Managing Director Emanuele Grimaldi of the Grimaldi Group
Green program for the Grimaldi Group
700 top players in finance, transport, logistics and ports sectors, coming from every part of the world, participate in the the international summit XXIII Euromed Convention from land to sea.
The event is organized by the Grimaldi Group.
Grande Mirafiori, able to load any type of rolling freight
Grande Mirafiori is an extremely flexible vessel
“Our fleet is enriched by a new PCTC that is among the biggest, most innovative and environmentally sustainable in the world”, says CEO Emanuele Grimaldi.
This is the second out of seven sister units ordered by the Neapolitan group to the Chinese shipyard.
Guido Grimaldi, President of ALIS
Association of Sustainable Intermodality continues to expand
A.L.I.S. is an international association – born three years ago with the goal of promoting the european intermodal transport, bringing together for the first time shipping companies, road haulage companies, railway companies, terminal operators and freight forwarders.